The iPhone Apple Watch Ad – Big Fish, Big Mistake

Apple’s released an ad showing a relatively new feature on the Apple Watch when it’s synced to the users iPhone. There are various hand gestures that can complete tasks, like taking a picture, without having the phone in your hand.

“I have a hand gesture for you.” -Android Phone Users, 2024

The commercial highlights that certain iPhone users who also have certain Apple watches can do a thumb to pointer finger double tap to accomplish things on the phone, in the case of the guy in the commercial… he holds up a giant fish and takes a picture with the phone out of reach.

Oh, oh, oh, It’s Magic. Not to point out the obvious but how exactly is he still holding the massive fish (that’s clearly requiring 2 strong arms) when he lifts up the watch to double tap? Watch out, David Blaine!

Splish Splash. And propping your phone up against a tumbler is a fragile situation to say the least. And this guy does it on a boat?? IN THE WATER???? How many times does that end well?

*Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 users have entered the chat*

Captain Obvious would also ask how the fisherman set up such a perfectly framed shot while fishing and the phone didn’t move at all as he presumable battled the fish with rod and reel?

The Music. I never doubt that Apple commercial creators will find a fun obscure song to use as a soundtrack. This time they went way back to the 1970s to unearth a peculiar song from Pakistani Nahid Akhtar. Here’s her full track called “Kariye pyar.”

As one who’s embarrassingly missed a great video recording of a big fish (just ask my brother-in-law who brought to the ocean surface a huge nurse shark and I thought I was recording but when I hit the button to start recording was actually when I stopped recording), take as many pictures and videos as you can of such momentous occasions… otherwise did it really happen?

-Out of the Wilderness

Published by Ben Wilder

Since 2005, I've called Nashville home. I'm the leader of the pack, which includes a 13-year-old beagle and an 11-year-old blue heeler mix. My days include writing, video editing, and other fun activities. Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy it!

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