College Baseball – The Catch 2024

Don’t tell anybody that I’ve actually been enjoying college baseball as the playoffs are doing what playoffs do — sending the inferior teams home while the best go to Omaha. Well, “enjoying” is only a half-truth because I don’t watch any entire game. Even with the pitch clock the games are soooooooOOOOOOOooooooo looooOOOOooong.

I happened to be watching Clemson vs. Florida because of what was at stake. Clemson was in a must-win situation and the game was well into extra innings when a possible game-winning hit from Florida sailed into the outfield.

Potential outcome #1: The outfielder misses and Florida wins, series ends.

Potential outcome #2: He catches the ball, the game continues and gives Clemson another at-bat to try scoring.

The outfielder tracks the ball as he’s running towards the wall. It’s clearly not a home run so the guy has GOT to make the catch to be a hero for Clemson. Take a look and you can decide if this play is one of the best in college baseball this season.

The way he cradles the ball against his body in an all-out effort to save his team from elimination, a jump and not even landing till he bounces off the outfield wall, it’s a thing of beauty and a great example of skill and athleticism!

What a catch.

The game was in the 13th inning and to say things were tense is an understatement. There were even 2 Clemson coaches that got ejected after one their own players hit a home run in one of those extra innings. Bizarre. So what does ESPN do? Switch coverage to pre-game for a Major League Baseball matchup… as if anyone needed a fresh reminder that money has ruined sports (maybe not entirely, but close!) and ESPN sucks.

Clemson lost a few innings later but that outfielder’s catch will probably be remembered for a long time by anyone who saw it, especially Clemson fans.

-Out of the Wilderness

Published by Ben Wilder

Since 2005, I've called Nashville home. I'm the leader of the pack, which includes a 13-year-old beagle and an 11-year-old blue heeler mix. My days include writing, video editing, and other fun activities. Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy it!

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