Dylan Mulvaney’s Music Video – Ironic Lyrics, Disabled Comments, and… James Charles?

Dylan Mulvaney is back in the limelight! This time he’s in the music video we always knew we never wanted. Because of lies like this one from Joe Biden, a lot of us have grown up thinking we can be anything we want to be. A pro baseball player. An astronaut. A woman.

This lie is part of the reason we are where we are with Dylan. A couple of years ago Dylan took on the role of a lifetime… pretending to be a woman for the rest of his life. Robin Williams must be turning in his grave! Even Euphegenia Doubtfire was more believable than Dylan’s less-than-mediocre impersonation.

Watch along and decide if Dylan sounds like any woman you’ve ever known or sounds like a dude imitating what he thinks we think a woman is. Jared Leto and all the male actors who’ve portrayed women before, watch out!

Singer/Songwriter… ish. Dylan’s parlayed his gender dysphoria into a cute little song about being a girl. And by cute I mean about as cute as Robin Williams dressed as an old woman with saggy boobs. Just from a songwriting and performance standpoint, with a line like “Girls like me gotta learn the basics,” in a cringey, exaggerated falsetto voice makes the whole thing as bad as you probably expected. Another disappointing aspect is that as a man, Dylan’s singing voice was really good.

Another line, “Boys on the dance floor it’s time to clear, the patriarchy’s over you can hold our beer,” is pretty ironic since the last time I checked Dylan still uses his father’s surname. So much for dismantling the patriarchy, huh?

And The Winner Is… I guess this is the new worst song ever. For a while, playfully, it was “Friday” by Rebecca Black. Remember that one? So bad it was good. Then came along Everleigh’s “Like Taylor Swift”… a great example of why rich people should be taxed more. But gosh, now I want to listen to either of those just to get Dylan’s none-hit-wonder song out of my head. Everything about it is so unappealing in every possible way.

But On The Other Hand. In the most simplest way, Dylan’s just a gay man using women as a costume. But there’s another gay man who actually has singing talent worth paying attention to and without all the confusing pronouns. I’ll admit that when my teenager niece wanted to show me this song, I had only planned to listen to make her happy. It’s James Charles, the makeup-wearing YouTuber who actually has a hell of a song here.

Proof Is In The Pudding. When YouTube comments are disabled you can pretty much guarantee the video isn’t going over well. So guess which one, Dylan or James, has disabled the comments. That should tell you all you need to know about how people are reacting to these two songs. One is pleasant to listen to and the other is Dylan’s.

-Out of the Wilderness

Published by Ben Wilder

Since 2005, I've called Nashville home. I'm the leader of the pack, which includes a 13-year-old beagle and an 11-year-old blue heeler mix. My days include writing, video editing, and other fun activities. Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy it!

2 thoughts on “Dylan Mulvaney’s Music Video – Ironic Lyrics, Disabled Comments, and… James Charles?

    1. Great point about Dylan taking women backwards! It’s like he is only living out the stereotypes young men heard about women before we (men) knew what women actually do daily. I’m surprised there wasn’t a pillow fight in the video, too, because girls always have pillow fights. 🙃


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