NerdWallet Future You – Commercials That Present Me Hates

Am I the only one who gets very annoyed by these NerdWallet commercials? Below is an example of the campaign NerdWallet has going with ‘future you’ being unhappy about decisions ‘present you’ is making… I can’t yet put a finger on what it is that irritates me. Maybe it’s the tone of their voices? TheContinue reading “NerdWallet Future You – Commercials That Present Me Hates”

Instacart Football Game Grocery Store Commercial – Most Annoying Commercial Ever?

Every once in a while a commercial comes along that makes you want to stuff cotton in your ears, tape your eyelids closed, and curl up in fetal position. In Burger King terms (because they also have terrible ads now, too), seeing Instacart’s “football game grocery store” commercial makes me wish I had never beenContinue reading “Instacart Football Game Grocery Store Commercial – Most Annoying Commercial Ever?”