Because of drug use, can Anne Heche’s organs still be donated?

Among all the questions from Anne Heche’s car crash last week (like is there a conspiracy? and did she try to get off the stretcher?) was one regarding her designation as an organ donor. First of all, signing up to donate your organs is a great and thoughtful thing for someone to think about inContinue reading “Because of drug use, can Anne Heche’s organs still be donated?”

Anne Heche… is there more to the car crash story?

The details of Anne Heche’s final days have been unfolding daily, and if you’re like me, you might have some questions. For instance, why did she frantically sit up on the stretcher? Was she recently working on a human trafficking documentary? Is there a conspiracy going on? I’ve asked these same questions and come up withContinue reading “Anne Heche… is there more to the car crash story?”