Beach Runs are for the Birds!

I’m on a weekend vacation enjoying the sand, salt, and seagulls of the Florida gulf coast and since I’ve become obsessed with almost everything about triathlons, I’ve planned 2 beach runs and 2 open water swims while I’m here. Those are great plans in theory but it’s always harder to actually do the things than it is to plan them.

Yesterday was the first of the 2 runs and I’m totally not making this more dramatic (meaning I’m about to make this more dramatic)… the wind was directly against me the entire first half of the run! The birds were loving it but I felt like I was fighting a wind machine. Plus running in sand already has its challenges. There were two bright spots in the first half of the run…

  1. I saw my cousin, his wife, and their son walking on the beach which gave me a reason to walk a bit.
  2. Turning around and running with the wind felt a lot better.

This was one of the harder runs in the last few weeks. I’ll credit that to the environment. The plan today is the open water swim and I already have an excuse for why it’s going to be tough. I’ll save that for another post so come back soon… I post every day at 1pm about all sorts of things from triathlon training, TV commercials, music, relationships, and more.

-Out of the Wilderness

Published by Ben Wilder

Since 2005, I've called Nashville home. I'm the leader of the pack, which includes a 13-year-old beagle and an 11-year-old blue heeler mix. My days include writing, video editing, and other fun activities. Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy it!

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