Let the triathlon training begin… again!

Hello! I thought today would be a good day to talk about training after taking a few days off from running, cycling, and swimming. My next sprint triathlon is one month away. It’s nice to have something to work towards, huh? These rest days were a little strange. No calendar. No workouts scheduled. I haveContinue reading “Let the triathlon training begin… again!”

Was My First Triathlon of the Year A Success?

Sprint triathlons are funny because you think they’re going to be short. Compared to Olympic, Ironman, or those crazy ultra races, they ARE short… but if you came up alongside me during the race and said so, I’d probably kick you in your shin! Yes, they’re shorter than other races but that doesn’t mean they’reContinue reading “Was My First Triathlon of the Year A Success?”

The Triathlon is Here… and So Are My Nerves!

I keep thinking of that Taco Bell commercial starring Joe Keery, a horror about nacho fries… and no, the scary part isn’t the upset tummy Taco Bell is bound to give you. The climax of the ad goes like this, the guy is haunted by nacho fries but he exclaims, “You don’t consume me, IContinue reading “The Triathlon is Here… and So Are My Nerves!”

Nerves and Anticipation When My Triathlon is a Week Away…

The next triathlon I’ll be participating in is exactly a week away. Hard to believe how fast time flies when you’re having fun training for a race. It seems like just yesterday I wrote about how it was a month away. Without having official data to prove it, I strongly believe I’ve improved my swimmingContinue reading “Nerves and Anticipation When My Triathlon is a Week Away…”

A special triathlon moment I won’t forget…

Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face every day when you get up and think you’ll never be great, you’ll never be great, not because you’re not, but the hate will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith. NF “The Search” In a lotContinue reading “A special triathlon moment I won’t forget…”