American Idol – Train Wreck Kayko Goes Home, and Just Sam Saves the Day

Another one gone and another one gone… Last night we witnessed two more contestants bite the dust on American Idol. I wanted it to be Julia and Kayko but American sent home Mia and Kayko. I kinda enjoyed watching the train wreck that Kayko turned out to be. So it’s bittersweet to see him go,Continue reading “American Idol – Train Wreck Kayko Goes Home, and Just Sam Saves the Day”

American Idol’s Most Boring Episode – April 2024

It’s hard to write that last night’s episode might be the most boring in the show’s entire history but I can’t justify saying it any other way. At the very least, it’s the most forgettable episode of the season except to note that the people pulling the strings *might* be playing up Taylor Swift forContinue reading “American Idol’s Most Boring Episode – April 2024”

American Idol Does Rock, Two Contestants Roll Home, and My Inner Randy Jackson Comes Out!

It’s getting so hard to predict who will be eliminated but last night, I successfully picked the two singers who were sent home. Go me! Excuse me while I jinx myself by patting myself on the back. The votes were tallied as the episode was airing, which can be a scary thing for the lastContinue reading “American Idol Does Rock, Two Contestants Roll Home, and My Inner Randy Jackson Comes Out!”

American Idol in Hollywood – Recap Part 1

The first episode in Hollywood has come and gone. It aired on Easter Sunday and while the tomb of Jesus may be empty, this episode was full…….. of entertainment. There were highs, there were lows, there were moments of cringe, and moments of holding back tears. I’ve solidified my top 4 favorites and if youContinue reading “American Idol in Hollywood – Recap Part 1”