All the jobs I’ve had with my brother

The other day I was thinking about how a lot of the jobs I’ve had are thanks to, and were right along side, members of my family. Probably because we’re both guys and only a year and a half apart, it was my brother that I worked with mostly. Going all the way back toContinue reading “All the jobs I’ve had with my brother”

A week at summer camp: Part 2

So tagging on to my previous post about going back to summer camp, I was most excited about these three things: 1. My nephew going to Kanakuk/ road trip with him and my brother 2. Seeing a few old friends 3. Serving any and all staff for the week Immediately after walking into the campContinue reading “A week at summer camp: Part 2”


In the summer of 2000, I worked at Kanakuk Kamps in Lampe, Missouri. In fact, I worked there for that summer and the next two. One of my favorite parts of the camp was the kitchen. Talk about good food, the cooks there were good at what they did. However, on days I wasn’t inContinue reading “Routine”